Animal Quote

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"If I ever come back as a human, I want to be a human who thinks like a horse."

"People spend too much time paying attention to their rules and not enough time to life."

loddie and colleen

Loddie is 14 years old and lives with her people moms, Maureen and Susie, and her herd of 5 (including her real mother) at Rosewind Acres in central NY. Since her herd leader and mentor, Captain Sonny (Syracuse Police Department Mounted Patrol, ret.) crossed over in May of this year, Loddie has taken on the position of "wise one" in the herd, sharing both of these insights after Sonny's death.

Ridden frequently, in the ring or on the trail, Loddie really enjoys her days in the pasture, overlooking 14 acres of hay, or the sprawling golf course on the other side of the fence line. She is beloved.

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